Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Common Winners

Hey guys! Sorry that there have been no new information. Since the whole point of a blog is to write thing here are some things that hopefully we keep you interested.
In 1943 Casablanca won best picture of the year.
In 1997 Titanic won.
In 1939 Gone with and Wind won.
In 1994 Forest Gump won.
In 1972 the Godfather won.
In 2008, as most of you know, Slumdog Millionare won.
The Oscars started in 1927 so there have been many more than written above. These are the more common ones I thought you would know. 

These are the best of the best so if you get a chance, watch them.

1 comment:

Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn
She won four Academy Awards; the most ever won.